
I almost step on a tattered orange cat. It's focus is so intent on possible delectibles falling from the third balcony up that it doesn't see me. His concentration breaks mine. I let the past go and follow the hopeful cat's gaze

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Sabeen's penciled eyebrows raise up into her curly, dark hair. "They're really good? Did you hear that, girls? I did good on my first try!

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From her childhood she had to pay prices that shamed her to gain existence. She knew nothing else. The mist of stupor was all she had to comfort her. Yet, now, the bottle held less allure. There were people who liked her.

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The weather's gone cold. Without wood to heat her rented room, the walls feel clammy. But the cough has weakened her and she can't face the four flights down to get wood. Besides, it costs to buy wood. It's easier to reach for the vodka

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Knit One

She's been told she is stupid because she's left handed. I prove this to be a myth by being a lefty myself. She's sure she can't learn because she was thrown out of school for being stupid, but she so desperately wants to prove herself wrong.

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Tears on Soil

“Yes, I remember my grandmother talking about it. She said that Christian families used to live there. One by one they left, she said, but she didn’t know why. Finally it was abandoned, she said. So our families moved over there. Do you mean…”

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To Really Love

When one loves, one doesn’t live casting about with an evil eye, seeking whom one will not love. Nor does one go around measuring, evaluating, judging, deciding who is more or less worthy of one’s love. Quite the contrary. It’s like swimming.

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We need to realize there is a force behind those who are being violent. They do not have the best interests of the Black Community in mind. They say one thing, but do something else.

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